SIAAPINDIA – Efficiency Empathy Ethics



SIAAPINDIA’s vision is a world where people can live safe, healthy, vibrant and productive lives without violence, stigma, or discrimination; and have the abilities to achieve the rights they value and that are guaranteed to them as Indian citizens.


By 2030, SIAAPINDIA will enable one million vulnerable young people (10-24 yrs) in 100 cities across India to combat poverty (SDG 1), improve nutrition (SDG 2), enjoy good sexual, physical and mental health (SDG 3), improve academic performance (SDG 4), reduce gender discrimination and violence (SDG 5), increase access to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), enable safe and remunerative work options (SDG 7), and contribute to building safe and sustainable cities (SDG 11).

Our Theory

Our theory of change is that adolescents, parents, family, and community members share a common vision to see that their young people have healthy, productive, and meaningful lives. We recognize that they have collective strengths and resources that they constantly use to negotiate multiple issues in their lives. If they can be facilitated to creatively deploy these strengths and resources to address issues related to gender inequalities, sexual violence, and mental health of adolescents, if their capacities to do so are strengthened, if they have easy access to quality counselling services, and if they are supported to build their social capital through mentorship and well-wishers, they will take individual and collective action to achieve their vision.


  • FCRA Renewal Certificate
  • SIAAPINDIA-Trust Deed

Principles for SIAAPINDIA

  • Trust & Respect
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Equality
  • Equity
  • Empathy
  • Confidentiality
  • Enabling people’s rights
  • Rights-based approach
  • Social Justice
  • Authenticity
  • Congruence

SIAAPINDIA Core Capacities

Our core capacities include

●     Counselling, supportive supervision, training, protocol and module development for different populations. (program design to service delivery)
●     Building capacities for women to combat violence, knowledge of laws, seek emergency medical, legal, and police help.
●     CBO Support: Developing community based organisations, collaborating to co-create, design programmes and raise funds.
●     Helped establish 29 CBOs of Women in Sex Work, Men having Sex with Men and among Visually challenged People
●     Promoted the concept of Thrift and Credit Societies among women and Visually Challenged People to develop the habit of savings and to eradicate local loan sharks
●     Sexuality and Sexual Health: Menstruation, prevention and treatment of STIs/HIVs, Contraception & Safety
●    Informed Consent in Sexuality and Health, concept, skills to ask and receive consent, module building and training,
●     Advocacy for sex work, confidentiality protocols for public health

Our Expertise

Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health
Violence against women and girls children
Skill Building & Livelihood
Training and Capacity Building
Community Life Competence Process
Putting theory into practice
Agency Building
Mental Health Counselling
Thrift and Credit Societies (Micro Finance)
Research – Evaluation studies and Assessments