SIAAPINDIA – Efficiency Empathy Ethics

Malarkal – update on support during COVID (July)

  • As part of our COVID response, we continue to be in touch with people over phone and have extended the following support in the past 15 days:
  • Mental health and psychosocial support via phone calls to 44 people from Ernavoor
  • One family, who survived with kanji alone was reached out and a grocery package worth Rs. 1000 was brought to them to help them tide over their current situation
  • Community members shared their fears of being put under isolation if test positive for COVID-19, and had concerns about access to food, and about neglect and stigma from the community.
  • We assured them about the government services and the improving recovery rate. We also suggested them to talk to people who had recovered and returned from quarantine/hospital care.
  • We resumed Parents’ Advisory Committee meetings via conference call. The members shared that it was a new experience and that they felt heard and supported by SIAAPINDIA calls despite lockdown.

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